Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Work stuff. That's a link to a cute video about my work on the website of Jack Johnson who is some music person I'm supposed to know but don't. My work is Bonneville Environmental Foundation, you can use the filter at the top to find it if it is not at the top anymore. We get a dollar if you watch it all the way through.

I like my work a lot. Today was cookie day. I had a chocolate cookie w/ chocolate chips and a lemon bar. yum. My boss is going on vacation at some point, that will be interesting cause i spend a lot of my day walking up and down stairs asking her questions.

School is over and I'm not going to summer school this will be a first time I've been out of school without a moving or travel related reason.

Pictures of PK soon I promise


Jaime said...

i watched the whole video. it was the least annoying jack johnson song i've ever heard. i loathe that guy.

have you eaten all your strawberries? i got da bloat

sarasparkle said...

our video doesnt have a jack johnson song, as far as i know.

Jaime said...

oh i thought it was him guitar noodling in the background.