Friday, July 11, 2008


PK and I are on the lookout for a roommate again. I don't like roommmate shopping one bit, so if you or someone you know might be interested... i'd be pretty pleased.

I've been craigslisting soo much. David and his roomies are looking for a new house. They had one in the bag only to find out their credit scores were: very poor, poor and fair. I was so proud of david for being fair, way to go bf!

Other than craigslist I've been watching the tour de france. go thor! Thor is in the green and white w/ the beefiest thighs. He had the green for a day, hopefully he will again.

PK has been doing something crazy for him, not finishing his food. If I sit by him while he eats he normally does but if i wander off sometimes he doesnt. Interesting.

The garden is awesome. I've been eating snow peas and broccoli every day. Today the zucchini are in bloom yey! I'm going to go hit refresh on my craigslist pages now.


warthog said...

He's probably full from eatin' mice.

Jaime said...

hojo hasn't been finishing his food either. maybe eating too much in the summer makes them hotter.

Ali said...

i think he is stimulated to eat by your presence. its nice to have company when you eat. do you ever eat together? might be nice.

sarasparkle said...

we eat near the same time, normally i eat then he eats. or i feed him then cook for me. but he gets done before im eating.