Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cuddles n' stuff

I've been listening to a lot of this american life recently. This morning I listened to an episode that was really good. It has a really great description of the Madonna Inn and a visit to Midevil Times. Here's the link

PK has been super cuddly. He slept on David's head again last night and sat on my chest while I was laying in bed this morning. Pk though is much bigger than violet and its hard to keep him from slidding off the side of me. Now he is sitting half under the blanket and half on me it seems to work much better this way.

He really likes this cardboard scratchy thing that Jaime gave him. He also had a lot of fun yesterday w/ me out in the garden. I potted up our plants to move to the new house and pk jumped on bugs and ate grass and walked around. He could use more walking cause he's pretty fat. Which reminds me I have to go buy him food again soon.

Last night I went out w/ David, his little brother John and david's friend from ashland nate. It was really fun. We were supposed to see a move but it sold out so we just went for drinks and chatted. I wish John and Nate lived in portland.

Aw pk looks so tuckered out.


warthog said...

Is this the first time PK has been not scared outside?

Jaime said...

that this american life episode was great!

i really want to go to mideval times again. or at least something similarly lame.