Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pk part 3

Pk is eating real cat food again! He's a little too hurting in the leg to walk now days, I think earlier he had more pain killers and was willing to walk but now hes not. So occasionally I (or David) just have to pick him up and set him in the cat box. I think hes sorta embaressed he cant do it himself but whatever at least we havent had any accidents. Right now he's doing an awesome job cleanign his wounds too. And they stopped gushing everywhere!
Here's some pictures of pk toughing it out.

This was yesterday, he felt so icky i didnt want to upset him by using a flash.

This was me trying to get a picture of his gushing leg, but its sorta unclear.

This is pk today, he's doing much better but its hard to tell in the picture.

This is pk cleaning yey! thats his pain killers stuck to his back.

See that gross stain on the edge of the blanket, my bed is covered in those from when pk was gushing more. David borrowed my computer over at his house and it still had some of pk's blood on it and he said violet seemed really upset. I bet she'll be nicer to him next time he walks me over to her house.

There's violet looking concerned.

And this is a cute picture of pk when he was healthy. This picture should be taller but blogger is messing it up and im too lazy to upload it elsewhere.

Uh, I guess I'm a crazy cat lady already. oh well.


Jaime said...

i love how you went from pet hater to crazy cat lady in 6 seconds flat.

i'm glad i'm not the only cat lady anymore. i don't even have a catbox now.

sarasparkle said...


i still stand by that people shouldnt have dogs 100% (unless maybe they live on a farm, which means they can also wear overalls another thing i belive non farmers should never do). And lots of people shouldnt have cats, but the cats dont get as fucked up as dogs when they arent taken care of.

Ali said...

i like the last picture most of all.

Anonymous said...

what about birds? specifically, adorable little green ones?