Thursday, February 7, 2008

PK Today

PK has been eating almost his normal amount, and I no longer have to hold it in my hand for him, he'll eat out of a dish. He's drinking water too! His foot is really swollen but he can sit with it bent now. Many improvements. I'm very excited. My room is a little cold so hes sitting under a blanket but ealier today I opened up the curtains for him and he seemed to enjoy looking out the window.

Only two more days of antibiotics and then he'll just seem like a lazy cat instead of a sick cat.

1 comment:

warthog said...

i'm so glad he's doing better. I hadn't been on the computer much and didn't even know the little guy got jumped until now. Ali did mention it to me a couple of days ago, but I was pretty tired when I talked to her, and therefore spaced it. He is one handsome cat I have to say. Maybe when he's all healed up, you can get him this