Monday, May 26, 2008

A Robot Story

Since Jennifer did tell this Robot story in her blog I'll tell it in mine.

The other day robot stole this calculator out of my room and brought it to his room. which is weird because its not a food product. But it wasn't just any calculator, I got it in japan and it had a drawing of two naked men touching each other. People in Japan said they were called "gay boys" and were popular characters.

I wanted to take a picture of it but I can't find it so maybe robot stole it again. haha.


Ali said...

this is a very good story

Jaime said...

i truly enjoyed this tale.

i don't remember seeing that calculator in that treasure trove you brought back from japan. now i am sad.

p.s. motogalore is big in japan.

Ali said...

motogalore IS big in Japan.