Monday, June 30, 2008

The stupidest book

I love reading self helpy type books, and books that are mostly lists. Since I've been super aware about saving the environment recently I've been skimming books to make you "greener." I got one from the library called "green guide" Opening it up I saw it was published by National Geographic and thought that might be a good sign.

The first chapter was on food and said the ususal, local, organic stuff is better. It didn't mention a lot of other things like buying in bulk and being concious of packaging. Then it started saying not to eat toast because it has some cancer causing agent.

I'm not sure but I dont think being Green is about not getting cancer, unless not geting cancer is a byproduct of saving the environment. It was around then that i noticed that the writting was only taking up like 80% of the page, if this were a truly green book they wouldn't waste paper like that.

I skimmed ahead and saw a section on doing laundry. It was pretty disappointing. It didn't mention not washing your clothes as ofeten and only had one sentence on line drying your clothes and two paragraphs on going out and buying a new energy efficient washer.

At that point I decided to set the book down and bitch about it online somewhere, but before I did I checked out the section on bicycles. The last paragraph says "Before heading out for a ride check your local Air Quaily Index a way that the federal goverment tracks and reports air quality.... On days with particually bad air quality, your best bet mayb e to avoid logn exposture to the air outside your home or workplace."

What a bunch of crap. I really should have known better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need "The Green Guide to Living for People Who Are Already Living Green"