Sunday, February 10, 2008

More pk

Pk has been getting pretty steadily better. This morning I opened the window a crack and he really enjoyed getting some fresh air. but when I was lifting him to his window sitting spot i noticed a lump under his skin between his arms. I couldnt find anything on his skin and he didnt seem to mind when i touched it but it made me pretty worried.

Then David and I went to the Handbuilt Bike Show (it was way cool, cooler than I expected). The instant I walked in I eyed the drink cart, but waiting until I got bonnie and larry onboard to drink with me before I got a beer. I told the bartender how i was stressed cause my kitty was hurting and she said that she had a kitty that got in a fight and got hurt and hid for 3 days. When she found the kitty its muscles on its front where all knotted cause it had been so scared. I was relieved that the lumps on pks front might just be sore muscles and not a tumor or weird infection that I should be rushing him off to the vet for. The beer made me feel better too.

Pk thanks all his well-wishers for their support durring this trying time.

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