Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PK improved version 2.3

Pk has been getting much better. I've been trying to ignore his presumed muscle stiffness cause it sorta worries me but i dont really think it requires a doctors visit unless it hurts pk if i touch it or if he starts to feel worse instead of better.

Pk has been feeling so much better that today he escaped from his cell which is my room. I made pk a seat neart the window which ive been leaving slightly ajar when the weather permits. When i do things in the backyard I like to look up at him looking out the window and say hi. Today though a minute or two after i said hi to him I heard a strange noise. I looked up and saw pk on the piece of roof outside of my window. I told him no and raced in to bring him back inside before his bad foot made him slip off the roof or something scary like that. but by the time i made it back upstairs he was 3/4ths of the way inside. I was pretty impressed cause the window is about a foot above the roof and it was only open a couple inches.
good for pk.

He's also started playing! I don't have real cat toys but tonight I'm bringing him some cat nip. David took some super cute pictures of him the other day but now i cant find them. So imagine pictures of pk waking up, opening his eyes, yawning and stretching. Cute huh?


Ali said...

what does the cat nip do to PK? when my friend would give her cat the nip it would start drooling and lay down and rub its face on it and drool some more.

sarasparkle said...

i havent tried the normal dry stuff on him. i had a stick of it dried from my garden. so he played with the stick and tried to get it in his mouth a lot. more cat nip adventures to come.