Thursday, February 28, 2008

mr. scratchy tongue

I've been stalling on writing about PK's achievements in recovery recently because I've been wanting to have some photo evidence but yall can just take my word cause itll take me forever to actually take some pictures.

Pk still looks all funny cause the shaved spots are taking forever to grow in. However he does look really handsome in his new collar that David picked up for him.

I made a doggie proof door with a kitty hole in the bottom. Which is actually just a bike boxed filled with books and records with a hole cut so pk can walk through it. He's been using it mostly at night I think so he can hang out in the kitchen. Yesterday he explored the backyard while david and i ate on the back porch.

Pks been just generally cute. He's been doing the licking peoples faces when they are cuddling/holding im pretty generously. Its so cute but it also hurts really bad. I can still feel the burn on my cheek.

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