Wednesday, February 20, 2008

pk recovery?

Last night pk left my room to sit on a chair in the kitchen while david, jennifer and brian and i had a beer. He interacted with robot same as before the attack and things went well.

Today it was nice out again, and I thought pk might like to sit outside with me. Except he didnt. I carried him out to the front porch, where perhaps he had flashbacks of the attack because he scurried for the hole in the fence and then ran under the neighbors porch (if only he could have done that last time!). I tried to tempt him with veal flavored baby food, he smelled it but didnt seem to want to eat it. I called david and he told me just to let him come out on his own. About a half hour after that i got bored/nervous of waiting and peeked at him again, this time he came out almost right away and rushed into my arms. But he totally freaked as i went in the gate, but i got him inside safely and now hes looking out the window again like he would like to go outside.

I think pks physical wounds healed much faster than his emotional wounds. poor kitty.


warthog said...

Awww, the poor little guy. I'm sure he will be back to his old self in time.

Ali said...

whats new with pk. is his poop still ultra stinky?