Sunday, March 9, 2008

celebrity dreams

Awhile ago i had a dream i met jane fonda. I told her about how i read her autobiography, and some other book about her and asked her what she was talking about when she said cunt, cause i hadnt watched the clip on tmz yet.

then a couple nights ago i had a dream i was watching tv and paris hilton had turned sort of punk rock and had changed her name to something more punk that i cant remember. she also had "good charlotte" tattoed across her face and then like some other weird tattos on her face. hahaha

i should stop reading tmz.


Jaime said...

good lord. those were great dreams.

i can't read tmz. i read perez. sometimes i pretent i was too stoned to change the channel and tmz just happened to be on. but i can't lok at it on the computer. it would be worse than porn if casey found evidence.

don't you love how paris is going out with benji madden? i want a BM ring

sarasparkle said...

who knew wed ever have anything to say about members of such a boring crappy band.

Jaime said...

yes, it is sad.

and boy are they craptastic!