Wednesday, March 5, 2008

PK continues to be weird about going outside. After alli suggested he get a sweater, i was talking about how that would be cute, but it wouldnt cover up his shaved leg. unless, he had a bodysuit! haha. maggie could probably knit one for me. It would have to be angora so he would still smell like a rabbit.

Stuff has been busy.
*I like the new job a lot, right now I'm picking my retirement plan. haha. I don't have to come in till 12 on friday so i can get paid while im out drinking with them. awesome for sure.
*School has been obnoxious, along with having to get up saturday morning to listen to people bitch about math, my econ class has been especially demanding. Next semester I'm only taking two classes. One is adavanced excel, and the other is either management (cause i have to take it and maybe itd be good for bike farm) or an investing class.
*Bike farm has been taking up a good chunk of time, its been good and bad.
*My house only has 3 people in it again and i realized the awsome thing about that is being home alone more often.

its the end of winter. this weekend is spring forward and i couldnt be happier about it. I started some seeds for the garden so far theres collards, snow peas, brussle sprouts, basil, lettuce and some other herbs (if the little plastic greenhouse i got from the dead peoples house works). i heart plants.

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