Monday, March 3, 2008

PK returns to the porch

Because I was not able to build a doggie barrier higher than robots jumping abilites, I've started feeding PK outside on the front porch cause thats the only place the dogs don't have free range of. He's pretty sketched about it and most of the time whines in my room till I walk out there with him. Then if i try to dip out before he's done he'll stop eating and come inside and whine more.

This morning it was cold, so i couldnt tell if pk was shivering because he has those big gaps in his fur or if he was so scared to be out there. I hope he can eat on his own soon. He has been going outside on his own. Good for him.


Ali said...

Sounds like PK has post traumatic stress disorder or he needs a sweater.Hopefully its the latter.

warthog said...

I'm sending a pet to PK. Please complete delivery.