Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An animal other than PK story

The other day I woke up at my new house and was doing things downstairs when Jennifer screamed really loud. At first I thought she saw a mouse and was just a total wuss, then i realized it had to be something more, I thought maybe a snake, or maybe a snake eating a mouse. Then I got scared that PK had made it out of my room and had somehow been malled by dogs and left in the front room dead. I ran to where Jen was and she was running out the front door and said "Robot just fell out of the window!" He had been on Jens bed upstairs and somehow just tumbled out the window! It's extra funny cause he wasn't even hurt! That dog is so weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to have a pet mouse, so I dont think I would be wussy and scream about a mouse. A rat however, might be a different story