Thursday, April 3, 2008


Before I moved out of my old house PK and I had a good cuddle. I took this picture using the camera on my computer. It was very difficult, I didn't even know that I had succeeded in taking a picture until I was cleaning out my computer today and found tons of pictures that look like this one w/ PK getting less cuddly and more annoyed in each one. It could be a flip book.

When we first got to the new house pk was all about cuddling and sleeping under the covers. I've been leaving him in my room so he doesnt get out and try to wander home and one day I came home to him competely under all the blankets in a sunny spot on my bed. If i were him I'd be overheating at that point. He's been sleeping only near my head and not on it now. He really loves the basement at the new house but its a pain to let him in there cause then I have to make sure I can get him out cause theres a dirty dark crawl space I wouldnt dare go into.

In non-pk news, im good still like my job tons. still hating all the chores that come with moving. Ive found that I have a little bit of free time and that I need to pick a hobby. So far I've picked drinking. I did a good job of that the week before jaimes party. at jaimes party i did a good job of it too but this week ive been too busy and drinking coffee instead since i have to go to a coffee shop for internet. lame. This is too long. sorry.


Ali said...

pk is so adorable. im really glad he wandered into your life.

warthog said...

"awwww" indeed.